It's good to blog (good for your profile and good for your Google PageRank; though in some circumstances it can be bad for your career...). But it's even better to have a magazine article with your own byline and photo on it (my students show them to their mothers). It's much better even than seeing your first news release in print.
Behind the Spin magazine is written by and for UK PR students. It now has a blog thanks to Philip Young. I'm guest editing the next edition (October 2005) and I'm seeking contributions from PR students, academics and practitioners.
I'll listen to any suggestions, but am proposing three themes: finding work in PR; health promotion campaigns; and the May 2005 election. You can contact me via the email link on the right, or leave a comment below. Suggestions soon; articles by the end of July...
Perhaps you could include a post on the benefits of PR students blogging. In terms of keeping up with seasoned PRO's opinions in the blogosphere; views on the profession by PROs from international countries or how this relatively new communication channel may one day be a mainstream tool/tactic they use in a campaign.
Posted by: Stephen Davies | Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 09:17 PM
Welcome Stephen: I've added a link to PR Blogger and will follow up with my thoughts on why it's good for students to blog. But your views on this have more validity than mine...
Posted by: Richard Bailey | Friday, May 13, 2005 at 09:27 AM